- Good choice of topic-But need to sharpen/focus question a little (For critical Investigation)
- Presentation certainly, ahem, Grabs Attention
- Important clarifications-Is this about women in Male artist videos? Does the question need to be refined with this in mind ?
- Use of image from videos well selected to support argument-all are relevant and thought provoking.
- Opportunity here to look at impact on a wider society- a real current media debate. Plenty of opportunity for feminist theory for critical investigation.
- Good to see some media theory here-Male gaze, John Berges (Ways of Seeing). Is there an influence on young women here?
- Is there an empowerment argument that is worth addressing here? Interesting debate.
- Another Good point-Is the Problem with the videos or with the original songs?
- Opportunity for a really good critical investigation as this leads on to different subjects and debates which would be very good to talk about.
- Good to use of some media theory to link and support my main argument.
- Presentation certainly, ahem, Grabs Attention.
- Critical investigation now needs to be more specific on one topic
- Touch more on the empowerment argument to show both sides.